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Topic: German Bionic

German Bionic unveils 360 degree Human Augmentation Platform
German Bionic promotes ergonomic safety by providing data from Apogee exoskeletons and new Smart SafetyVests to the fingertips of users through its Connect app.

German Bionic Debuts Exoskeleton to Aid Nursing and Healthcare Professionals in North America
German Bionic is offering its Apogee+ powered exoskeleton available to assist nurses and other care providers with strenuous tasks such as lifting patients.

CES 2023 ‘Best of Innovation’ Award Winner German Bionic to Present New Wearables, Smart Power Suits
CES 2023 innovation award winner for wearable technologies German Bionic has announced the Apogee power suit, the SmartSafetyVest, and the German Bionic IO platform.

German Bionic On-Site Intelligence Collects Cray X Industrial Exoskeleton Data in Real Time
German Bionic said its Cray X exoskeleton and On-Site Intelligence feature can help workers and supervisors understand and improve performance in warehouses and other environments.

Cray X Exemplifies How Robot Enabled Humans Can Solve Supply Chain Woes
The Cray X exoskeleton is an example of how the "injection of power" into human workforces with automation can elevate warehouse productivity, writes ffVC's Oliver Mitchell.

German Bionic Launches Fifth Generation Cray X AI Powered Exoskeleton
German Bionic says its latest industrial exoskeleton adds human augmentation capabilities with active walking assistance and IP54 waterproofing for outdoor environments.

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