eBook: 3 ways to enhance the customer experience

The term “supply chain” conjures up images of packages, parcels and pallets but supply chains are really all about people. Customers, employees and even shareholders are the real driving forces behind a supply chain, and those groups of people have very different wants, needs and expectations.

The supply chain is now recognized as a mission-critical function. It now features prominently on the C-suite agenda due to its position as a profit center and source of competitive differentiation. However, the effectiveness of the supply chain is being measured against increasingly agile competition with expansive distribution networks, highly automated facilities and short, accurate delivery windows. Furthermore, customer expectations have evolved such that they not only expect fast, on-time delivery, but also more choice about where and how orders are fulfilled – and more transparency into inventory numbers and locations. To be successful, leading organizations need to rethink supply chain execution and triangulate the needs of the business, its shareholders and, most importantly, the customer. Without optimized supply chain execution, companies are facing an uphill battle to succeed. Fortunately, balancing speed, cost effectiveness and positive customer experiences does not have to be a game of either/or. Leading companies are already achieving it and in this paper we explore the “how.”

In this eBook, we explore how to unlock improved performance and profitability by placing people at the center of your supply chain execution, while delivering an enhanced customer experience.

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