German Bionic unveils 360 degree Human Augmentation Platform

Wearable Smart SafetyVest and Connect app debut at VivaTech 2024

German Bionic

German Bionic’s Human Augmentation Platform is centered around its Apogee exoskeletons, which can provide up to 66 pounds of support per lift and active walking assistance.
German Bionic promotes ergonomic safety by providing data from Apogee exoskeletons and new Smart SafetyVests to the fingertips of users through its Connect app.

Wearable robotics provider German Bionic recently unveiled its 360 degree Human Augmentation Platform at VivaTech in Paris, France.

The user-centered ecosystem integrates the latest versions of the Apogee series exoskeletons with German Bionic’s OS operating system, IO data management platform, and was joined by two new human-machine interfaces that debuted publically at VivaTech: the Smart SafetyVest and Connect app. 

“Our 360 degree Human Augmentation platform goes beyond mere technological advancement - it is about making sophisticated, human-centric solutions universally accessible, while promoting user agency,” said Armin G. Schmidt, German Bionic CEO and founder. “The platform is designed to enhance everyday life, ensuring that each individual can achieve more with greater ease, comfort, and safety.” 

German Bionic said this integration of individual components into a single platform exemplifies its commitment to delivering highly accessible human-centric technology systems that are simple to use, empowering, and designed to improve health and productivity.

German Bionic OS, IO integrate sensors and data management software

Central to the platform is the Apogee series of exoskeletons, which can provide up to 66 pounds of support per lifting motion as well as active walking assistance. 

The proprietary German Bionic OS enables the hardware and multitude of integrated sensors in the exoskeletons to work together in unison. The operating system ensures that all components interact cohesively, enhancing device functionality and user interaction. German Bionic OS supports a broad array of applications and provides an intuitive, multilingual user interface that the company said can make it accessible to a global workforce.

German Bionic IO data management software uses AI-enhanced analytics to provide insights into device performance and safety, as well as highlight optimization potential. Source: German Bionic

German Bionic IO has the ability to ensure easy and full integration within the broader human augmentation ecosystem. The latest version of the machine learning software extends the capabilities of advanced data management, the company said. Besides providing insights into device performance and safety through AI-enhanced analytics, German Bionic IO can also deliver evaluations and assessments as well as highlighting process optimization potentials. 

Safety-level monitoring for user teams along with AI-powered ergonomic recommendations have the potential to enhance the overall safety and effectiveness provided by the exoskeletons and other smart wearables, both now and into the future, German Bionic said. The “Smart Safety Companion” is incorporated in all components of the 360 degree Human Augmentation platform.

Connect app gamifies individual users experience

With the all-new German Bionic Connect app, which debuted at VivaTech, data from German Bionic IO is also accessible to individual users, which the company said can provide maximum user agency. The app-based user interface allows users to control and customize their interactions with the technology, ensuring they are active participants in shaping their own user experience. 

Enhanced by subtle gamification features, German Bionic’s Connect app allows users to control and customize their interactions with the technology. Source: German Bionic

The app can offer users full transparency concerning their personal data and the impact the exoskeletons have on their individual work. It can also facilitate easier onboarding for new users and enables users to both receive and give direct feedback, which German Bionic said promotes the highest levels of user engagement and operational transparency. 

Enhanced by subtle gamification features, German Bionic said its app encourages exploration and interaction. It is now available for immediate download from the Google Play and Apple App Stores for Android and iOS devices.

Smart SafetyVest expands ergonomic safety monitoring applications

VivaTech also featured the first public appearance of the German Bionic Smart SafetyVest. German Bionic said its vest marks a significant expansion of the group of people that can benefit from its human-centric technology, as it is tailored not only for those working in physically demanding roles - such as logistics, construction, manufacturing, and healthcare - but for anyone interested in monitoring and improving their ergonomic safety

German Bionic said its Smart SafetyVest is for anyone interested in monitoring and improving their ergonomic safety. Source: German Bionic

The Smart SafetyVest interface allows users to access data analyzed by German Bionic IO output in a user-friendly manner via the Connect app. The Smart SafetyVest is just one example of many future interfaces that can leverage German Bionic’s 360 degree Human Augmentation platform to enhance people’s general health and wellbeing, the company said.

Want to learn more about data management in robots? This article was featured in the September 2024 Robotics 24/7 Special Focus Issue titled “Robots as mobile data platforms.”

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German Bionic

German Bionic’s Human Augmentation Platform is centered around its Apogee exoskeletons, which can provide up to 66 pounds of support per lift and active walking assistance.

Robot Technologies