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Topic: Diversity

ARM Institute issues Future of Work study
Humans and robots will need to work together in order to build a resilient and sustainable U.S. manufacturing workforce, said the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute.

Manifest 2023 to Host Women’s Luncheon to Celebrate Women in Logistics Tech
Manifest 2023 in Las Vegas will include a luncheon focusing on diversity in the supply chain and logistics industry, as well as numerous other sessions and exhibits.

MassRobotics Now Accepting Applications for Third Jumpstart Fellowship Program
For the third time, MassRobotics will invite a cohort of high school girls to its headquarters this winter as part of a fellowship program designed to help them learn more...

Locus Robotics to Support Fourth Radial Warehouse With Mobile Robots for Fulfillment
Locus Robotics is supplying Radial with autonomous mobile robots to support high-volume e-commerce order fulfillment for SKIMS. Locus said it focuses on efficiency and the worker experience.

MassRobotics Announces Global Call for Nominations for The Robotics Medal Recognizing Women in Robotics
As it looks to recognize more women in the industry, MassRobotics has created a new award aimed to celebrate a female researcher.

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