Whitepaper: 10 common myths about AMR

1. AMRs will take the place of humans and remove jobs Automation is often thought of as human replacement technology that removes humans entirely from the workflow. A major difference with AMRs, compared to traditional automation, is that many AMRs are designed to work with humans in the workflow. This technology augments human performance by taking on non-value-added movements and freeing up human capacity to focus on other aspects of the job, thereby increasing productivity. The collaborative nature between humans and AMRs sometimes results in the AMRs being referred to as “cobots.”

2. AMRs are too complex for typical warehouse staff We tend to think of robots as being incredibly complex, with intricate programming and assembly needed. Luckily, with AMRs, all that has been done for you by the vendor! The vendor will work with you to integrate the robots into your warehouse ecosystem. Once that is complete, the AMRs are designed for ease of use by your operational team. No more training is needed than for any other new technology addition, and you do not need a team of robotics engineers on staff.

3. AMRs are too expensive When you look at an AMR it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that they are too expensive for the average warehouse. They seem like a futuristic technology decades in the making, and an investment that only top-tier warehouses can afford. In reality, many AMR solutions are affordable for any size warehouse. Many of the components of the robots have become cheaper due to the same parts being used in tangential industries, like self-driving cars. In stark contrast to the up-front capital expenditure cost of fixed automation, AMR solutions can be purchased as a service (robot-as-a-service or RaaS), making it a more affordable option for warehouses that can make an investment in an operating expense but not as a capital expense.

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Download Whitepaper: 10 common myths about AMR
As autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) have become a more common warehouse technology, many myths have arisen about how they work, what they are capable of, and when they can be used. While many of these myths can cause concern, they are easily disproven.

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