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Topic: Massachusetts Technology Collaborative

Robotics Invest Summit 2024 highlights funding, robotics ecosystems
The 2024 Robotics Invest Summit in Boston brought leaders from across the robotics industry to discuss funding, industrial AI and more with peers and venture capital firms.

Boston University celebrates grand opening of Robotics & Autonomous Systems Teaching & Innovation Center
Boston University celebrated the opening of its new Robotics & Autonomous Systems Teaching & Innovation Center on campus in March 2024.

MassTech Collaborative launches new $5M initiative to boost statewide robotics sector
MassTech launched a new $5 million collaborative effort to focus on support for robotics R&D, testing, commercialization and workforce development programs.

Massachusetts Manufacturing Mash-Up Hosts Grant Winners, Innovators, and Students
The Massachusetts Manufacturing Mash-Up displayed robotics and 3D printing innovations, announced grant awards, and offered workforce development networking.

MassRobotics Panel Talks Government and Nonprofit Funding Opportunities in Canada and U.S.
MassRobotics hosted a panel last week that included the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute, the Massachusetts Center for Advanced Manufacturing, and Next Generation Manufacturing Canada.

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