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Topic: IDC

Keenon Robotics No. 1 Catering Service Robot Provider in China, IDC Report Finds
Keenon Robotics handily beat out the competition to be recognized by IDC as the largest provider of service and catering robots in China.

Four Companies Offering 3D Metal Printing Solutions Named IDC Innovators
IDC Innovators are companies that have introduced innovative new technologies or business models.

IDC FutureScape predictions foretell rapid digital transformation for manufacturers and retailers
Older measures like productivity, quality, and service still apply, but digital transformation promises to 'change everything' about how manufacturers and retailers plan, procure and fulfill.

60 Seconds with John Santagate, Research director for service robotics at Manufacturing Insights
Modern Materials Handling staff sat down with John Santagate, Research director for service robotics at Manufacturing Insights to talk about the current state of the industry.

New report highlights the opportunities and risks in the ongoing digital transformation
IDC releases predictions that suggest manufacturers slow to adapt will not survive, but leaders will also face a new set of challenges.

IDC supply chain predictions foretell widespread transformation
The next four years are likely to see a re-imagining of the manufacturing supply chain amid changing customer demands and technological innovation.

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