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Topic: Fox Robotics

KION North America to assemble Fox Robotics lift trucks
KION North America will assemble Fox Robotics autonomous lift trucks through a non-exclusive partnership that also aims to establish a U.S. service and support network.

Walmart to deploy Fox Robotics autonomous forklifts across four distribution centers
Walmart and Fox Robotics announced a multi-year partnership agreement that will see the retailer deploy 19 FoxBot autonomous forklifts across four high-tech distribution centers.

Fox Robotics surpasses 2.5 million pallet pulls with FoxBot autonomous trailer loader/unloader
Fox Robotics announced that it's FoxBot autonomous trailer loader/unloader surpassed 2.5 million pallet pulls in warehouses since its debut in 2019.

DHL Supply Chain Facility Demonstrates How Automation and Humans Can Coexist
DHL Supply Chain offered Supply Chain Management Review a peek at the technologies it's using at a Carhartt facility in Central Ohio, including mobile robots, pallet unloaders, and more.

Fox Robotics Closes $20M Round for Autonomous Forklifts
Fox Robotics, which has developed an autonomous forklift trailer unloader, plans to apply its funding to grow its staff, ramp up production, and expand globally.

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