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Topic: Autonomous Trucks

Robotics primed to transform domestic and global economies, says ProMat keynote speaker
Presenter says growth in automation among small and medium businesses will lead the way.

Keynote: Robotics primed to transform domestic and global economies
Presenter says growth in automation among small and medium businesses will lead the way.

Automated warehouse requires no human touch after receiving
Retrofit boosts storage 30%, builds dense store-ready pallets 8 feet high.

RoboBusiness Leadership Summit: Future of robotics unveiled
Suppliers, end-users and researchers have identified warehousing, distribution and manufacturing as the most promising growth areas for robotic applications.

Robots prove their mettle in the warehouse
Leadership summit unites robotics leaders and newcomers in search of problems that need solving.

Robotics: Take a hands-off approach
Robotic materials handling solutions are great at handling repetitive tasks while cutting costs, increasing throughput, and lifting a heavy burden off workers.

Tricked-out Toyota lift truck performs robotic pallet manipulation
Modified by MIT researchers, a Toyota 8-Series lift truck performs unmanned operations, which show potential for future work in high-risk military and civilian environments.

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