10 Robotics Clusters Around the Globe

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China Robot Industry Alliance

China is the largest industrial robot market in the world. The China Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA) was founded in 2013 and currently has more than 430 members.

Made up of researchers, manufacturers, educators and more, the CRIA said its mission is to “strengthen the members’ abilities in R&D, manufacturing, integration, application and customers services, to promote the application of robots in various fields, to improve the robot industry chain in China as well as to promote the health development and strength the competitiveness of theChinese robot industry,” according to its website.

The alliance is sponsored by the China Machinery Industry Federation.

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1. China Robot Industry Alliance

2. German Robotics Association

3. Japan Robot Association

4. Korea Robotics Society

5. MassRobotics

6. Odense Robotics

7. Pittsburgh Robotics

8. RoboHouse Netherlands

9. Robotic Society of Singapore

10. Silicon Valley Robotics

Robot Technologies