What is the Amazon Effect?

Forrester Research says “For many businesses, Amazon is simultaneously a sales channel, a potential service provider, and a competitive threat.”

You know that Amazon is exploding in the online retail world. Odds are that you’ve recently ordered something from their website. But did you know that they are also your company’s biggest competitor, regardless of the products you sell or your industry?

Jim Tompkins, founder and CEO of Tompkins International, is a long-time supply chain guy.

And guess what? Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of Amazon, is a supply chain guy too.

He has to be, because business is now at a critical X-Roads in demand-driven supply chain and customer satisfaction.

Amazon has invented – and is continuously refining – new ways to connect customers with solutions. They are your biggest competitor.

In this video you will learn about these topics:

  • What is the Amazon Effect?
  • Which Amazon? Products and Services
  • The Magic of Amazon Prime
  • Amazon Network & Two-Day / Same-Day Delivery
  • What Can We Expect from the Amazon Brick-and-Mortar Store?

You know that Amazon is exploding in the online retail world. Odds are that you’ve recently ordered something from their website. But did you know that they are also your company’s biggest competitor, regardless of the products you sell or your industry?

Today, we want to help you understand more about your supply chain by understanding more about the Amazon Effect. This huge and mysterious Amazon Effect is about to get even closer to your customer base because the online retailer is planning to open its first brick-and-mortar store.

What in the world will this new Amazon store look like?

Jim Tompkins has some expert insight into the store’s likely features and how you can compete with Bezos’ expansion plans. Tompkins predicts that between now and holiday season of 2013, both in-store and online retailers have major decisions to make that will result in either success or bankruptcy.

The traditional thinking around customer satisfaction, distribution networks and operations is obsolete given the X-Roads that we sit at today with the Amazon Effect. We can talk about multichannel, omnichannel and every other buzz word – but at the end of the day, it’s really about price, selection, convenience and experience.

Learn how to compete with Amazon, and you will survive Business at a X-Roads.

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