The results of the 20th Annual Study of Logistics and Transportation Trends (Masters of Logistics)

These results reveal three specific issues in current logistics and transportation management that have the potential for disastrous results on operations if not properly addressed.

The results of our 20th Annual Study of Logistics and Transportation Trends (Masters of Logistics) reveal three specific issues in current logistics and transportation management that have the potential for disastrous results on operations if not properly addressed.

Navigating transportation’s Bermuda Triangle (Read the Feature Article).

Based on the feedback of more than 760 shippers, our research team found a lack of planning for the impact of rising fuel prices; distribution networks that are incapable of flexing when uncertainty occurs; and a myopic, internal focus that limits the ability to achieve the desired performance results—a “Bermuda Triangle” of logistics management issues that our team says are interconnected at the strategic level.

In this exclusive Webcast, Mary Collins Holcomb, Ph.D., of the University of Tennessee, and Karl B. Manrodt, Ph.D, of Georgia Southern University, reveal all of the findings of our annual study and offer shippers practical advice for navigating through these challenges before it’s too late.

For 20 years the results of this study have been recognized as the ultimate report card on overall logistics operations performance, has identified emerging trends, and provided benchmarking data on transportation performance and expenditures.

By attending this highly educational and informative Webcast shippers will learn:

The percentage of freight dollars being spent by mode
The percentage of overall transportation budget spent by mode
Shifts in transportation spending
How and why the “Bermuda Triangle” of issues evolved
How to navigate through the challenges

Learn how to navigate the “Bermuda Triangle” of Logistics Management issues

Available On-Demand, 24/7

If you can’t make this date, you can still “Register Now!” to view the Webcast on-demand,
24/7 at anytime after the Thursday, September 29, 2011, 2:00 p.m. EDT broadcast. 

Michael Levans
Group Editorial Director,
Supply Chain Group

Mary Collins Holcomb, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
the University of Tennessee

Karl B. Manrodt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Georgia Southern University

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