ForwardX Robotics launches Flex 600-L Slim AMR

Slim deck-lift AMR nearly two inches shorter than Flex 600-L model

ForwardX Robotics

Equipped with SLAM navigation, lidar sensors, and QR cameras, the new ForwardX Flex 600-L Slim can lift the same 1,322 pound payloads as the base model Flex 600-L.
Measuring nearly two inches shorter than the base model, ForwardX’s new Flex 600-L Slim deck-lifting AMR can also support up to 1,322 pound loads.

Continuing to expand its Flex series of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), ForwardX Robotics recently introduced its Flex 600-L Slim.

ForwardX said its latest Flex series AMR has been engineered to elevate operational efficiency and safety standards for logistics and manufacturing applications.

Features of the Flex 600-L Slim include:

  • CE certified: ForwardX said it has ensured compliance with the highest safety and quality standards.
  • Safety sensors: Equipped with four lidar sensors and machine vision with simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology, the Flex 600-L Slim offers 360 degrees of dynamic obstacle recognition and avoidance, which ForwardX said can ensure a safe working environment.
  • Slim design: With a body height of only 9.64 inches and an intelligent lifting system, the Flex 600-L Slim is compatible with a wide range of racks and carts. According to ForwardX’s website, the Slim model is nearly 2 inches shorter than the 11.64 inch high Flex 600-L base model.
  • Load capacity: The Flex 600-L Slim’s load surface area of 37.4 by 25.59 inches supports a payload of up to 1322 pounds, which ForwardX said can allow for greater efficiency in handling larger loads.
  • Precise docking: The Flex 600-L Slim is equipped with a QR code camera for precise docking to racks, which ForwardX said can ensure streamlined and accurate operations.

ForwardX said its Flex 600-L Slim is made to meet the evolving demands of the industry, providing performance and reliability.

The company also recently announced its Flex 300-SCB Mini person-to-goods picking AMR and Flex 300-L Mini deck-lifting AMR.

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ForwardX Robotics

Equipped with SLAM navigation, lidar sensors, and QR cameras, the new ForwardX Flex 600-L Slim can lift the same 1,322 pound payloads as the base model Flex 600-L.

Robot Technologies