BlueBotics to Feature AMR Interoperability Software at Automate

BlueBotics plans to highlight the benefits of its ANT service management system.


BlueBotics' ANT system can be used to control AGVs, automated forklifts, and autonomous mobile robots.
BlueBotics is at Automate this week and is talking up its ANT service management system designed to help mobile robots navigate their environments.

At Automate this week, BlueBotics plans to showcase its ANT service management software designed to help customers manage multiple fleets of mobile robots.

“As the AGV market grows and continues to mature, more businesses are realizing the need for scalable custom fleets, which can incorporate different types and even brands of vehicle,” said BlueBotics CEO Nicolas Tomatis. “Our team will be happy to explain to Automate's visitors how the ANT navigation platform - in particular, our ANT server software - can enable that.”

The company said the ANT system takes advantage of a vehicle's “existing laser safety scanners to first identify and then match permanent features in the environment, such as walls, pillars, and machines,” according to its website.

BlueBotics to host session with Oceaneering Mobile Robotics

The St-Sulpice, Switzerland-based company will also be teaming up with Oceaneering Mobile Robotics to host a seminar dedicated to building the business case of automated vehicle technology.

The session will be hosted by Matt Wade, vice president of marketing at BlueBotics, and Matt Slack, business development lead at Oceaneering Mobile Robotics. 

The companies said the session will span manufacturing and intralogistics and feature two detailed case studies from the automotive sector.

“Today the mobile robotics market is thriving due to hiring and retention challenges, and the need to build more productive, competitive, and resilient businesses. However, determining the value that mobile robotics can bring to your specific operation, and making a solid business case for this technology, can be a challenge,” said Dr. Nicola Tomatis, CEO of BlueBotics.

“In our seminar, Matt from Oceaneering will help walk visitors through the process. We'll dive deep into the key factors that impact ROI and then supplement these learnings with in-depth case studies that give visitors real-world proof points from the U.S. manufacturing sector,” he said.

The session will take place Tuesday at 10 a.m. at Room 320 and is titled “Building the Business Case for AGVs/AMRs in Logistics & Manufacturing.”

BlueBotics is located at Booth 6032 on the Automate show floor.

For more on the show, visit Robotics 24/7's special coverage page

Mixed AGV/AMR Fleet Demo with ANT server | Autonomous Navigation Technology (ANT)

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BlueBotics' ANT system can be used to control AGVs, automated forklifts, and autonomous mobile robots.

Robot Technologies