Amazon Robotics begins construction of fulfillment center in Niagara County, N.Y.

Center will bring 1,000 jobs to upstate New York

Niagara County

Members of Amazon Robotics and selected elected officials celebrate the construction of a new fulfillment facility in Niagara Country, N.Y.
Amazon Robotics began construction on a new fulfillment center in Niagara, N.Y., expecting to bring 1,000 jobs to Niagara County as Amazon continues growing in the state.

Amazon officials were joined by state and local elected representatives to celebrate the construction of its new, state-of-the-art robotics fulfillment center in the Town of Niagara, N.Y.

The facility will be home to 1,000 local Amazon employees who will operate and work with the company’s newest robotics technology, delivering for customers in Western New York and beyond. The fulfillment center will expand Amazon’s operations and logistics network in New York, where there are more than 47,000 full- and part-time employees across the state.

New robotics facility is the fourth in New York

The five-story, 3.1-million-square-foot robotics fulfillment center is currently under construction at 8995 Lockport Road. Considered a first-mile fulfilment center, the facility will receive, store and then ship millions of products for customers.

It will be Amazon’s fourth robotics fulfilment center in New York, with others located in Rochester, Syracuse and Staten Island. Amazon’s operations footprint in Western New York also includes a sortation and returns center in Lancaster, and last-mile delivery stations in Tonawanda and Hamburg.

“We are very happy to grow our business and continue to expand operations in New York, especially in Western New York and Niagara County,” said Glendowlyn Thames, manager of economic development. “The Town of Niagara and the county were eager partners from the beginning, and a project of this size is simply a win for everyone. Most of all for our customers, who will continue to see faster and more efficient delivery as we add to our fulfillment network.”

Since 2010, Amazon has invested more than $41.5 billion in New York, including infrastructure and compensation to employees, and has created more than 47,000 direct jobs across the state. These investments support an additional 83,100 indirect jobs across the state, in fields like construction and professional services, and have contributed more than $36 billion to the New York GDP, on top of the company’s direct investments.

“Since its groundbreaking, this facility has already been responsible for creating quality, good-paying construction jobs in our community, and once completed, will employ hundreds to the benefit of Niagara County and the Western New York Economy,” said Rob Ortt, N.Y. Senator. “I thank Amazon for choosing to make the Town of Niagara its newest home and committing its future to our region.”

Amazon’s expanding footprint in New York includes: 10 fulfillment and sortation centers, 36 delivery stations, 30 Whole Foods Market locations, five Amazon Go locations, five Prime Now fulfillment centers, two Amazon Hub+ Locker locations, one Amazon Fresh retail location, one Amazon Pharmacy location and a host of Amazon and MGM Movies and Series filmed in New York.

“I’d like to thank Amazon and the Town of Niagara for working together to bring this great facility to our district,” said Angelo Morinello, New York Assemblymember. “The new Amazon Fulfillment Center will not only bring 1,000 new jobs to the area, but it will greatly spur economic development, and add valuable tax revenue for our county and town which can then be circulated back into the community.”

“Today’s celebration is the culmination of a lot of hard work from our economic development team to show that Niagara County is open for business, we are willing cooperate with those who are investing in our community and that creation of good-paying jobs remains one of our top priorities,” said Richard L. Andres, Jr., chairman, economic development committee of the Niagara County Legislature. “Amazon is investing more than a half billion dollars to this project and will create 1000 new jobs. Not only is that worth celebrating, but we hope it sends a message to other site selectors that Niagara County is the right place to locate your next project.”

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Niagara County

Members of Amazon Robotics and selected elected officials celebrate the construction of a new fulfillment facility in Niagara Country, N.Y.

Robot Technologies