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Topic: Transportation

Page 7 of 7 pages.
Amazon’s Top Prime Air Executive Outlines Plans for Delivery Drones to Navigate Skies
Amazon has laid out a proposal centered on slicing U.S. airspace into segments for different categories of unmanned delivery aircraft, while keeping them all away from airplanes.

Future of Transportation and Autonomous Flying Cars
Terrafugia premiers the new Outer Mold Line for the TF-X™, the four-seat, vertical takeoff and landing hybrid electric aircraft that will make flying easier and safer than ever before.

Worldwide Automotive Growth is Slowing Down, Industry Faces Huge Technological Challenges
C.A.S.E. which stands for connected, autonomous, shared, electrified, will be the future of the industry and calls for significant additional investments, and in order to finance C...

Daimler Says Nevada License To Help Self-Drive Trucks Gain Traction
Auto-Maker Daimler introduced an autonomous truck on Tuesday night - the company says a driver must be present, but that driver has the option to relinquishing control to the vehicle.

Self-Driving Trucks to Revolutionize Logistics
DHL Trend Research has launched their latest trend report, titled “Self-Driving Vehicles in Logistics”, which takes readers on a journey of discovery, highlighting the key elements and incredible potential of...

UPS and FedEx Researching Delivery Drones That Could Compete With Amazon
I would be shocked if a companies like UPS and FedEx aren't considering this," says Ryan Calo, a law professor specializing in drones and robotics. "If you want to compete...

Google Seriously Gearing Up To Revolutionize Supply Chain Logistics
Google is looking at shoring up the same kinds of deficiencies that UPS and FedEx may be exploring, like the transport method for shuttling goods from central depots to local...

Westcoast Warehousing Improves Picking Operations with Pick-to-Light Devices
Westcoast Warehousing turned to Bastian to automate and improve their picking process. After learning more about Westcoast Warehousing's operation, light-directed picking was chosen as the best solution to improve productivity,...

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