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Topic: IoT

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DHL and IBM report cites benefits and potential of AI in logistics
The report, entitled “Artificial Intelligence in Logistics: A collaborative report by DHL and IBM on implications and use cases for the logistics industry,” examines different ways in which AI can...

Year in Review: Top materials handling news in 2017
The industry's momentum continues to build, even as it changes shape to adapt to technology; acquisitions across technology competencies have heralded the arrival of Consolidation 2.0, while automation and cybersecurity shake...

A3 fall conferences to offer insight into latest automation, strategies and networking
Conferences will provide in-depth training in robot safety, motion control, vision systems and collaborative robots to spur manufacturing growth and the creation of entirely new categories of jobs.

New report examines impact of artificial intelligence on manufacturing
Partnership, collaboration, and technology investment crucial for growth opportunities, finds Frost & Sullivan's Industrial Automation and Process Control team.

The Evolution of the Digital Supply Chain
Everyone is talking about terms like digitization, Industry 4.0 and digital supply chain management, but what sort of technologies fall under these broad terms, and how will they change the management...

System Integration Roundtable: Navigating an Uncertain Landscape
The fulfillment engine of the past was based on historical data, hazy predictions and an assumption that it would remain unchanged for some time. The industry is now working to...

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