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FANUC America Adds 10 Model Variations to LR Mate Tabletop Robot Series
FANUC Americas has updated its LR Mate tabletop robot line with 10 model variations, including for cleanroom and food-safe environments.

Top 10 Robotics Transactions of April 2021
Even not including the largest deals in AI and autonomous vehicles from April 2021, the month still featured multimillion-dollar transactions in exoskeletons, delivery robots, and surgical systems.

Allen Institute for AI Adds Object Manipulation to AI2-THOR Framework
Robotic manipulation poses several challenges. The ManipulaTHOR framework is built on a physics engine and enables realistic interactions with objects while navigating through scenes and performing tasks.

Gaussian Robotics Raises $100M Series B for Cleaning Robots Using SLAM
Gaussian Robotics, which completed Series B financing, claims to be the first company to apply SLAM technology in its cleaning robots in 30 countries.

Chinese Service Robotics Startup CloudMinds Raises $150M in Series B Funding
CloudMinds, whose IPO was blocked because of the U.S.-China trade conflict, has raised money to continue development of humanoid service robots.

Top 10 Robots of Digital CES 2021
What were the most interesting robots of CES Direct 2021? While household, humanoid, and companion robots are staples every year, this year's virtual event showcased some promising autonomous systems.

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