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Topic: Hospitality

OhmniLabs Offers Modular Robotics Platform for Cloud-Based Mobile Robot Design
OhmniLabs said its new Ohmni Modular Robotics Platform enables it to rapidly develop, manufacture, and deploy mobile service robots for a wide variety of applications.

PuduTech Raises $78M in Series C Funding for Service Robots
PuduTech, which makes several mobile robots for restaurants, hospitals, disinfection, and supply chain applications, has raised more than $100 million in the past year.

ANA Avatar XPRIZE Selects Semifinalists in Telepresence Competition
The Avatar XPRIZE, sponsored by Japanese airline ANA, seeks to advance the projection of human presence for disaster recovery, healthcare, and other uses.

Top 10 Robots of Digital CES 2021
What were the most interesting robots of CES Direct 2021? While household, humanoid, and companion robots are staples every year, this year's virtual event showcased some promising autonomous systems.

Optomec Delivers 3D Electronics Printer for Medical Device Production
New Aerosol Jet system is optimized for industrial manufacturing.

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