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Topic: Components

Researchers Print Wearable Battery
Researchers at Brunel University London announced they have printed a flexible, wearable battery that can store energy without chemical reactions.

Why You Need to Think Twice About Flying Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Transportation
The dream of personal aerial transport appears tantalizingly within reach, as investors from Silicon Valley to Dubai vow to deliver the future of urban mobility, but rather than embracing that...

Future Shock: 3D Printed Bridge Meets Smart Sensors
Driven by the startup MX3D and backed by the Amsterdam City Council, the proposed 12-meter-long stainless steel bridge will use a smart sensor network from Autodesk and partners.

500 Michigan students to tour 35 manufacturing facilities for Manufacturing Day
Students will tour facilities and participate in interactive presentations of in-demand skills and advanced manufacturing jobs throughout Metro Detroit.

NextGen Supply Chain: The future is now on display
Robots and Google Glass may be here sooner than you think, according to DHL

Solving a $45 Billion-Dollar Per Annum Retail Problem with RFID-Reading Warehouse Drones
By coupling airborne drones with smarter RFID systems, MIT researchers have developed a system that enables small, safe, aerial drones to read RFID tags in large warehouses, possibly making missing...

NIST Tackles Metal 3D Printing Quality
Two labs are collaborating to build the Additive Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (AMMT), which is a custom-built 3D printer that will be used to help gain more understanding of how AM...

A3: Record-setting growth for North American robotics market
Association for Advancing Automation reports the first half of 2017 saw growth of 33% in units and 26% in dollars over 2016.

Humans Play Crash Test Dummy Role for Autonomous Vehicle Testing
Standard crash test dummies weren't optimal for testing the automated braking systems.

Australian team wins Grand Championship at 2017 Amazon Robotics Challenge
Contestants were awarded $270,000 in prizes to support continued innovation within the robotics and automation community.

IDTechEx research explores how mobile robots will transform materials handling
From forklifts to mobile picking robots to automated last-mile delivery, new technologies will either perish or they will reshape the industry.

AI Is Instrumental to Manufacturing Intelligence
Instrumental allows engineers to remotely identify the root cause of production line problems and quality snafus within a matter of minutes.

Robotic Piece Picking Hits Tipping Point
Having graduated from concept to compelling, robotic piece-picking solutions are hungry for career advancement.

Sensors Expo 2017: The Little Things at the Heart of IoT
Speakers and audience explore the intersection of Sensors, AI, and IoT technologies at Sensors Expo 2017, discusses AR-VR market size & opportunities

3D Printing Gives Electric Aircraft a Lift
The company printed wing-tip motors in just a few hours, which allowed them to conduct functional evaluations while waiting for the final motors to be manufactured.

Semi-Autonomous Vehicle Gets Disabled Racer Back in Driver’s Seat
Sam Schmidt, a former driver paralyzed in a 2000 race car accident, recently achieved a long-standing dream to compete against legend Mario Andretti on the Indianapolis Speedway.

A3 fall conferences to offer insight into latest automation, strategies and networking
Conferences will provide in-depth training in robot safety, motion control, vision systems and collaborative robots to spur manufacturing growth and the creation of entirely new categories of jobs.

Skin-Deep Sensors
University of Minnesota are developing new sensors that can be 3D printed directly on a person's hand.

GTC 2017: The Prospect of Voxel-Based 3D Printing, Optimization, and Simulation
NVIDIA and HP Labs demonstrate voxel-based structural optimization and 3D printing at GTC 2017

The Big Picture: Adaptability as King
Traditionally, warehouse automation has been about bringing optimal efficiency to specific processes in warehouses. Learn why new technologies like mobile robots and AR glasses promise breakthroughs in adaptability, even as...

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