Collaborating with Robot Arms, Platforms

This Special Focus Issue examines how organizations manage the relationship between staff and robotics to optimize workflows.

As more robotic features find their way into organizations, the interactions between humans and robots remains a critical focus area. Robot arms and their associated software platforms can help companies optimize processes when they implement robots that collaborate with their human counterparts. How organizations manage this partnership is integral to forging a relationship between humans and machines for optimizing process workflow.

Cobots have opened the door for a more dynamic relationship between human staff and robots in shared environments. As organizations attempt to optimize their operations with the right balance of staff and automation, it raises questions about the ideal scenario for human-robot coexistence and the notion of “replacing” staff with automation.

In this Special Focus Issue, we’ll examine how organizations across industries have taken a gambit on robot arms, and how these companies have found a way to create collaborative opportunities between robots and their staff.

In this Special Focus Issue

  • Yaskawa Motoman's safety systems and teaching options make working with cobot arms easier
  • How DexR made truck loading more than another brick in the wall
  • Plus One's supervised autonomy keeps robot arms moving
  • Agility Robotics expands Amazon relationship with Digit test
  • ... And more

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