10 Robotics Startups Changing Different Industries Today

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Embodied makes Moxie friendly

This robotics startup is making the robotic buddies of science fiction a reality. Embodied Inc.’s Moxie robot is designed to help children learn about emotions, empathy, and communication.

Its AI understands natural language and can even recognize facial expressions. The advanced emotional intelligence that Pasadena, Calif.-based Embodied has created may help pave the way for more companion robots.

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1. Corindus develops remote surgical robot

2. DroneSeed helps regrow forests

3. Dusty Robotics saves construction workers time

4. Embodied makes Moxie friendly

5. Honeybee Robotics builds rugged systems

6. Picnic Robotics produces consistent pizza

7. SP Robotic Works focuses on STEM

8. Tempo Automation accelerates innovation

9. Urban Rivers develops Trashbot

10. UVD Robots fights pathogens

Robot Technologies