In addition to displays of collaborative robot applications with partners, Universal Robots A/S featured a “concept model” at the center of its Automate 2022 booth. The robot arm’s smooth exterior and coating were designed for wipe-down environments such as food handling or pharmaceuticals. The concept cobot isn’t sealed for full cleanroom or wash-down requirements.
The concept is a new approach to get user feedback, said a representative for Universal Robots. Kim Povlsen, the new president of the Odense, Denmark-based company, is striving for transparency and early user input, he said.
Universal Robots had technicians on site for conversations with users about additional potential capabilities for future products. Its booth was divided into areas devoted to assembly, metal fabrication, metrology, and palletizing and packaging.
“In 2019, we showed demonstrations of applications, but now we’re showing real-world examples with partners,” said Joe Campbell, senior manager of strategic marketing and applications development at Universal Robots. “For example, Melton is showing automated TIG welding for the first time, using water-cooled systems and URCaps.”
Campbell also introduced Robotics 24/7 to Brian Knopp, founder of UR-certified systems integrator Cobot Systems. He showed the first U.S. demo of a cobot controlling an IPG LightWELD laser welder. It can weld items of different thicknesses and reduce jobs from 1.5 hours to six minutes, said Knopp.
In addition, Joshua Mayse, co-founder and vice president at UR partner Mid-Atlantic Machinery, showed how its Press Brake Operator Package can improve efficiency and safety.
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