10 Humanoid Robots to Keep an Eye on Besides Boston Dynamics’ Atlas

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Disney Imagineering develops robot actors

Most theme park visitors are familiar with the performers wearing large, hot costumes of popular characters. Walt Disney Imagineering Research & Development Inc. is working to build robot entertainers, such as this prototype of Guardians of the Galaxy‘s Groot shown here. It’s a step up from the creaky animatronics of decades past, and the small form factor could help overcome the “uncanny valley.”

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1. Tesla Bot unveiled at AI Day

2. Disney Imagineering develops robot actors

3. Promobot builds Robo-C

4. Ubtech demonstrates Walker X

5. OSU biped completes a 5k in record time

6. Agility Robotics' Digit designed to deliver

7. Toyota CUE5 shows moves at Tokyo Olympics

8. Wolfgang-OP plays soccer for research

9. CloudMinds builds XR-1 service robot

10. Hanson Robotics plans to mass-produce Sophia

Robot Technologies