Robots Will Shape and Alter the World We Live In

Boston Dynamics turned the spotlight to Atlas, the surprising humanoid robot that wowed the world, but this time, Google’s Atlas is better and more fit to face unpredictable terrains or attacks.

Boston Dynamics turned the spotlight to Atlas, the surprising humanoid robot that wowed the world, but this time, Google’s Atlas is better and more fit to face unpredictable terrains or attacks.

The future belongs to intelligent robots, artificial intelligence and virtual reality as two of the viral videos of Boston Dynamics.

One thing you may not know, is that Boston Dynamics was acquired by Google in 2013, hence they no longer pitch the press or even describe their newest innovations, but merely make YouTube videos (view video above) about their results and refuse repeated requests for interviews.

Here’s a short list of organizations that will be standing in line to acquire the future, commercial versions of this Cylon-like robot.

  • The U.S. Army
  • Police Departments (Bomb disposal teams, SWAT)
  • Fire Departments
  • Amazon (Picking and boxing up packages)
  • Road & Bridge Construction Companies
  • Mining Companies
  • Hotels (Maid service)
  • Automobile companies (Assembly lines)

What we do know is that the newest version of Atlas is designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings. It is specialized for mobile manipulation. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated.

It uses sensors in its body and legs to balance and LIDAR and stereo sensors in its head to avoid obstacles, assess the terrain, help with navigation and manipulate objects. This version of Atlas is about 5’ 9” tall (about a head shorter than the DRC Atlas) and weighs 180 lbs.

Related: Raffaello D’Andrea on the Future of Robotics

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