Roboteon adds new capabilities to Innovation Lab

Vendor agnostic space to demonstrate interoperable pick and place, conveyance transport


Inside the Roboteon Innovation Lab, the comapny's vendor-agnostic Robotics Fulfillment Platform can orchestrate robots of different types and from different vendors to map orders and optimize routing.
Fulfillment software provider Roboteon’s Innovation Lab will demonstrate pick-and-place, conveyance transport, and person-to-goods interoperability and integration.

Fulfillment software platform provider Roboteon has recently announced the addition of new capabilities to its multi-function Innovation Lab near San Jose, Calif.

The 3,000 square foot lab, located a few minutes from the San Jose airport, features Roboteon’s Robotics Fulfillment Platform software working with different types of robotics and hardware systems from a variety of vendors. Roboteon said its platform can help companies achieve success with their investments in warehouse robotics.

The lab supports demonstrations of different applications and use cases. Those applications include:

  • Basic warehouse and manufacturing robotic transport functions using a variety of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs).
  • Full interoperability of robots of different types and vendors, all managed and optimized in Roboteon’s singular platform with a unified interface.
  • Cart picking with optimized order mapping of picks to the cart and optimized routing to minimize travel time.
  • Collaborative picking with human associates and AMRs working together as one.
  • Enterprise fleet management, which provides traffic control and visualization across mobile robots from different vendors.

Robot arms interoperate with autonomous mobile robots

Roboteon said it is committed to continuous investment in the lab. Recent additions include the deployment of automated picking robot arms to support piece picking, pick and place, and case picking applications, optionally working in conjunction with AMRs, and leveraging a machine vision picking system.

“The Innovation Lab is a competitive advantage for Roboteon,” said Gana Govind, Roboteon CEO. “It allows us to accelerate development of our platform, and showcase to customers many options and applications for warehouse automation.”

Roboteon said its lab serves multiple purposes, including the following:

  • Providing potential adopters of robotics a chance to gain a hands-on feel for relevant equipment and software.
  • A facility to bring on new robot types and vendors for rapid integration and testing of the robots with Roboteon’s software platform.
  • A flexible, dedicated area for research and development of new warehouse automation capabilities.

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Inside the Roboteon Innovation Lab, the comapny's vendor-agnostic Robotics Fulfillment Platform can orchestrate robots of different types and from different vendors to map orders and optimize routing.

Robot Technologies