Procter & Gamble’s Amy Rardin named keynote speaker of NextGen Supply Chain Conference

NextGen Supply Chain Conference to be held Oct. 21-23 in Chicago

Supply Chain Management Review

The NextGen Supply Chain Conference has announced the Amy Rardin, global senior director at Procter & Gamble, will serve as a keynote speaker at this year's event.
NextGen Supply Chain Conference announced that Amy Rardin, global senior director at Procter & Gamble, will serve as the keynote speaker at its October 2024 event in Chicago.

Amy Rardin, the global senior director at Procter & Gamble, has been announced as a keynote speaker at the NextGen Supply Chain Conference.

The conference, which will be held at the Chicago Athletic Association hotel from Oct. 21-23, is produced by Peerless Media and Robotics24/7’s sister brand, Supply Chain Management Review.

Read more about Roman, the keynote address, the conference and SCMR here.

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Supply Chain Management Review

The NextGen Supply Chain Conference has announced the Amy Rardin, global senior director at Procter & Gamble, will serve as a keynote speaker at this year's event.

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