Nickelytics, Starship Robots partner for OOH campaign at two U.S. colleges

Autonomous delivery vehicles used to support national mental health campaign


Nickelytics and Starship Robots partnered to support the national "Love, Your Mind" campaign at UCLA and the University of Utah.
B2B adtech startup Nickelytics and autonomous delivery robot provider Starship Technologies partnered to deploy robots in support of the national “Love, Your Mind” campaign.

Nickelytics, a venture capital-backed B2B adtech startup, and Starship Technologies, a provider of autonomous delivery vehicles, announced a partnership in support of the national “Love, Your Mind” campaign. The new partnership expands Nickelytics’ work in robotics by launching an advertising campaign on two campuses where Starship operates, the University of Utah and UCLA.

The partnership demonstrates a way for brands and advertisers to connect directly with college student populations, integrating into their daily lives. The goal of the partnership is to expand to all 50 campuses that Starship services. Starship Technologies operates at 80 global locations and has completed more than 6 million deliveries.

To pilot this partnership, Nickelytics and Starship are supporting the national “Love, Your Mind” campaign with a six-week deployment of autonomous delivery vehicles, which began on March 25.

“Love, Your Mind” was developed by Huntsman Mental Health Institute and the Ad Council to create a society that is more open, accepting and proactive when it comes to mental health. The campaign PSAs (public service announcements) remind everyone to nurture their relationship with their mind, and direct to for free mental health resources.

More than 60% of college students report experiencing mental health challenges, a significant increase since 2013. The delivery of “Love, Your Mind” out-of-home (OOH) advertising through Nickelytics and Starship’s autonomous robots will reach students directly on campus to encourage them to prioritize their mental health.

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Nickelytics and Starship Robots partnered to support the national "Love, Your Mind" campaign at UCLA and the University of Utah.

Robot Technologies