Mitsubishi Electric launches new robot series for heavier payloads, longer reach

New RV-35/50/80FR series ideal for large workpieces, heavy objects

Mitsubishi Electric

The new Mitsubishi Electric RV-35 robot arm is capable of a heavier payload and reach than other Mitsubishi models.
Mitsubishi Electric launched its newest robot line, the RV-35/50/80FR series to handle large workpieces and heavy objects to expand automation opportunities for OEMs and end users.

Mitsubishi Electric announced its newest series of robots to its broad selection of models. Mitsubishi Electric industrial robots are equipped with speed and precision to meet the demands of today’s manufacturing applications.

The newest RV-35/50/80FR series of robots are designed to allow for an expanded work envelope and increased opportunity through its increased payload and reach compared to prior series.

Heavy payload options with new Mitsubishi series

The RV-34/50/80FR series has a maximum reach of 2100mm (82 inches), and a maximum payload of 80kg (176 lbs.), making them options for palletizing and machine-tending applications. This series of robots connect to a wide range of factory automation equipment to seamlessly integrate robot functionality with IT systems.

“The RV-35/50/80FR series is going to be a game changer for Mitsubishi Electric,” said Curtis Sylliaasen, product manager (robot), at Mitsubishi Electric. “These heavier-payload robots give us the ability to do applications that were previously inaccessible to us, such as end-of-line palletizing and machine tending for large parts.”

RV-35/50/80 is engineered to work seamlessly in manufacturing environments through a wide range of safety functions, including position and speed monitoring. In addition, users can pair the robots with Mitsubishi Electric’s MELFA Smart Plus card to simplify installation and programming.

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Mitsubishi Electric

The new Mitsubishi Electric RV-35 robot arm is capable of a heavier payload and reach than other Mitsubishi models.

Robot Technologies