Meet NEO Your Real-Time Supply Chain Intelligent Assistant

Neo is not just an algorithm, he’s your best friend, your tireless virtual supply chain assistant, he senses, analyzes, and fixes problems so you can do the important work.

Neo is not just an algorithm, he’s your best friend, your tireless virtual supply chain assistant, he senses, analyzes, and fixes problems so you can do the important work.

Complex Ecosystems

Today’s global businesses are made up of complex ecosystems with interactions between thousands, even millions, of trading partners, product SKUs, enterprise systems, sites, and devices.

Each is in motion, defying static representation and quickly making data in enterprise systems stale and useless.

These networks generate oceans of constantly shifting data.

It is impossible to manually scan, analyze, understand and coordinate all these elements manually.

So managers must scramble to address the most urgent problems while leaving many others to unravel unattended.

Planners and managers are in a perpetual state of “firefighting” as there are more issues than they can possibly deal with.

The result is a sub-optimal supply network, with inventory piling up at some sites, while dissatisfied customers survey empty shelves at others.

Neo is Here to Help

Neo is a CEO’s best friend and every users’ secret assistant.

Neo is the digital brains embedded everywhere and at all levels of One Network’s cloud platform, the Real Time Value Network.

He is data-hungry and insight-rich. He represents an army of algorithms running in the background, scanning and analyzing real-time data from across the network.

He harvests and analyzes data from all sources, including enterprise systems, facilities, vehicles, and handheld devices.

Neo continuously looks for potential issues and resolves them before they erupt into major crises.

  • Neo finds and fixes. He monitors the condition of your supply network, identifying problems and emerging issues. He fixes them by modifying or creating transactions as necessary. For example, he can adjust orders based on current demand signals.
  • Neo optimizes. He analyzes and tunes a whole range of processes such as Demand Planning, Replenishment, and Transportation Optimization, to continually match supply to demand as efficiently as possible.
  • Neo unifies planning and execution. He analyzes plans and monitors execution in real time, optimizing execution processes where necessary to ensure plans are followed and goals are met.
  • Neo remembers and learns. He has amassed a vast amount of experience, from millions of transactions between tens of thousands of companies. He continues to analyze data flowing across the Real Time Value Network, extracting insights, and applying the optimal fixes to particular problems. He respects your specific business parameters and works within your rules.
  • Neo is non-invasive. He considers the impact of any change and chooses the most efficient resolution with the least amount of disturbance.
  • Neo is consumer-driven. Neo can use consumption as his objective function, optimizing the entire supply cycle, considering all factors and constraints, creating a truly efficient and consumer-driven network.
  • Neo is programmable. You can program your own Neo intelligent agents to monitor and manage your business, according to your specific circumstances and needs.
  • Neo is scalable. Neo’s intelligent agent framework is built on horizontally scalable transactional grid architecture, meaning Neo agents can run efficiently, in near-real time, spanning thousands of trading partners and millions of transactions.

What Can Neo Do?

Neo’s capabilities are continually expanding as he learns and adapts based on his monitoring of causes, decisions, and outcomes across the entire network. He is always evolving and his behavior can be customized.

Neo can do:

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  • Forecasting ✔
  • AI forecast management ✔
  • Last minute allocation ✔
  • Supply allocation ✔
  • Replenishment ✔
  • Order forecast promising ✔
  • Order promising ✔
  • Sourcing ✔
  • Transportation optimization ✔
  • Demand translation ✔
  • Multi-tier material planning ✔
  • Multi-tier capacity planning ✔
  • Door and capacity optimization ✔
  • Order and shipment prioritization ✔
  • Optimized execution ✔
  • Inventory planning ✔
  • Production planning ✔
  • Warehouse optimization ✔
  • Time-phased projections ✔
  • Self-learning ✔

How Neo Delivers Value

Neo greatly reduces the manual tasks that tie up users. He also helps them do their jobs faster and better.

At the corporate level, he’s a trusted advisor. He identifies which decisions and actions were taken that violated policies, or were a mistake and led to losses. This enables policies and procedures to be continuously improved and expanded.

This is how Neo is able to impact your business from top to bottom. He reduces inventory throughout the network, improves service levels, revenue and market share.

Companies on the Real Time Value Network using Neo see dramatic improvements in a number of specific areas, including:

  • 20-30% improvement in forecast accuracy
  • 1-2% increase in retail sell-through
  • 1-2% higher service levels
  • 20-30% lower inventory levels
  • 15-25% lower transportation costs
  • 1-3% lower landed costs
  • 60-80% lower headcount for scheduling
  • Increases supply chain agility, velocity and transparency
  • Simplifies and automates multi-party processes
  • Reduces Operational and IT complexity
  • Accelerates ROI and time-to-value

Request a demo and see how Neo can help your business achieve new levels of service and efficiency.

Related Resources

Download the White Paper

Meet Neo the Intelligent Agent
Neo is not just an algorithm, he’s your tireless virtual supply chain assistant that senses, analyzes, and fixes tricky business problems quickly and automatically so you can do the important work.  Download Now!

Download the White Paper

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In this white paper, we suggest an approach to escaping the problem of ever-increasing legacy and proprietary systems and look at alternative approaches that have been considered and some of the problems with them. Download Now!

More Resources from One Network Enterprises

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