Hyster develops new posters for National Forklift Safety Day

Posters spotlight best safety practices for forklift operators and those working around them.

Posters spotlight best safety practices for forklift operators and those working around them.

In recognition of National Forklift Safety Day, Hyster Company has announced two new safety posters to its operator training program

The Forklift Safety Tips and Pedestrian Safety Tips posters spotlight the best safety practices for forklift operators, as well those working around them.

“We consider safety and the proper training of forklift operators and pedestrians as a paramount part to the successful implementation of our equipment in the workplace,” said Jay Costello, director of dealer marketing for Hyster. “Reducing accidents and injury rates is a priority for us, our customers and our industry. But no matter how safe and reliable we make our materials handling equipment, there is no replacement for a trained, attentive operator, and just as importantly, trained pedestrians. At Hyster we plan to continue to build on our extensive collection of safety programs and resources to demonstrate our commitment to safety best practices.”

Available in English, Spanish, French Canadian and Portuguese, the posters offer a visual representation of the “dos” and “don’ts” of safely operating a forklift, and valuable tips for pedestrians interacting in environments where forklifts are in operation.

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