Heartland Robotics Cluster shares 2024 Q1 community involvement events

Education opportunities and training provided for local students

Heartland Robotics Cluster

Metro Community College (MCC) hosted its First Robotics competition, building upon its digital literacy program that weaves robotics into curricula.
The Heartland Robotics Cluster (HRC) supported several educational opportunities for local students to learn about the robotics industry during Q1 of 2024.

Robotics education organization the Heartland Robotics Cluster (HRC) recently announced its community involvement activities during Q1 of 2024.

The HRC said it has kicked off 2024 with tremendous strides in not only robotics and STEM education, but also in stitching a continuous thread through the fabric of community engagement. From student contests to educational partnerships, the organization said its first quarter was teeming with activity, enthusiasm, and the indelible spirit of innovation. Reflecting the HRC's dedication to advancing robotics and technical literacy, the organization said this quarter's initiatives bolster STEM education and provide exciting avenues for community participation. 

The HRC is supported by a $25 million federal award to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln announced in 2022, which is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s $1 billion Build Back Better Regional Challenge program.

Northeast and Metro community colleges host local students

Northeast Community College (NECC) hosted its FIRST LEGO League events January 17. HRC said NECC's mini-play event had robots clashing and young minds flourishing as hands-on challenges allowed students to showcase their skills, guided by mentors who've traveled that very path. 

In February, participants met and collaborated with a local high school robotics team to explore their equipment and competition practice field. HRC said the event reiterated its dedication to making robotics an accessible facet of community culture.

Northeast Community College (NECC) hosted its FIRST LEGO League events January 17. Source: Heartland Robotics Cluster

Katie Towler, director of the NECC South Sioux City extended campus, and MacKenzie Hiserote, CTE program coordinator for Sioux City Career Academy, helped coordinate a career academy event. Over 140 students were brought from middle schools to the Sioux City career academy on two Fridays where they were able to interact with automated robotic machines.

HRC said Cross and Towler left the nearly 140 students who participated with the understanding that the need for skilled technicians, programmers, and designers is not going to decrease and encouraged them to seek out robotics opportunities in middle school, high school, and at regional colleges like Northeast. 

Metro Community College (MCC) also opened the door to regional connections and innovation with its FIRST Robotics competition. More than just a scholastic institution, MCC also introduced a digital literacy program that weaves robotics into curricula, ensuring that education evolves with the times.

Nebraska Innovation Studio offered training programs

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering showcased how academic institutions can foster curiosity and enthusiasm for engineering principles even before graduation, sparking a lifelong passion for innovation and problem-solving.

The Universal Robotics training program at Nebraska Innovation Studio offered training programs stretching from drones to battle bots and professional development, which HRC said  emphasizes the significance of tangible learning experiences that reach beyond textbook knowledge.

O'Neill's Robotics Tournament combined the thrill of competition with the joy of community involvement, which HRC said demonstrates robotics can be just as thrilling to the crowd as any sports event.

Robotics isn't all about serious competition; it's also about fun and community. This sentiment reverberated through the halls during Union 73's Pizza & Robotics night, offering a slice of engagement for every participant.

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Heartland Robotics Cluster

Metro Community College (MCC) hosted its First Robotics competition, building upon its digital literacy program that weaves robotics into curricula.

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