Exotec opens Skypod system demo center near Seoul, Asia’s second showroom

New facility is located in Paju, Gyeonggi


Exotec opened its second demo center in Asia, opening a new Skypod facility near Seoul, South Korea.
Exotec opened a demo center for its Skypod system near Seoul, South Korea, allowing visitors to experience advanced warehouse automation offerings and connect with Exotec staff.

Exotec, a global warehouse robotics provider, announced the opening of its Seoul Demo Center, a showroom displaying the company’s Skypod system near Seoul, South Korea.

The facility is the company’s second in Asia and will allow visitors to experience its advanced warehouse automation offerings and connect with staff.

Seoul demo center details

This facility will showcase all standard elements of the Skypod system, including Skypod robots, modular storage racks and picking stations. Visitors will be able to observe system operations in real time as vertically climbing Skypod robots move goods between high-density storage and ergonomic picking stations.

Additionally, visitors can participate in the picking experience using touch panels that will guide them through the demo. The tours will be led by the Exotec team, providing visitors with a comprehensive understanding of the system.

“The Asia-Pacific region, particularly Japan and Korea, is strategically important for Exotec,” said Romain Moulin, CEO and co-founder of Exotec. “Establishing our second office in Korea reflects our commitment and proactive investment in this market. With the opening of the Exotec Seoul Demo Center, Korean customers can experience the advanced technology of Skypod firsthand.”

Exotec's Skypod, according to the company, provides elegant warehouse robotics that optimize logistics operations. It enhances operational efficiency through fast SKU retrieval, accurate order processing and efficient use of warehouse space with high-density storage capabilities. The system is designed for quick installation using plug-and-play methods, and helps address labor shortages while enhancing worker safety and inventory security, increasing overall logistics operational stability. 

“Since establishing our Korean branch last year, we have been impressed by the adoption of Exotec's cutting-edge technology by Korean and international customers and were delighted by the overwhelming interest received after showcasing the Skypod system at KMAT2024,” said Oh Ji-seok, vice president of sales at Exotec Korea. “Previously, customers had to visit sites in Japan, Europe, or the US to see the equipment following local tradeshows. Now, with the opening of the Seoul Demo Center, customers can easily visit and witness firsthand the advanced capabilities of our warehouse robotics while also connecting with our local experts.”

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Exotec opened its second demo center in Asia, opening a new Skypod facility near Seoul, South Korea.

Robot Technologies