Doosan Robotics, Rocketfarm announce palletizing robotics partnership

Rocketfarm Pally software can streamline F&B, automotive workflows

Doosan Robotics

With the aid of Rocketfarm’s Pally palletizing software, Doosan Robotics said it can streamline palletizing collaborative robot arm operational workflows.
Doosan Robotics will integrate Rocketfarm’s Pally palletizing software into its robot arms, including its PRIME-SERIES, to help streamline workflows for various industries.

Collaborative robot (cobot) manufacturer Doosan Robotics Inc. recently announced a strategic partnership with Rocketfarm, a provider of palletizing software. 

The companies said integration of Rocketfarm’s Pally software with Doosan Robotics’ cobots can streamline palletizing efficiencies across the automotive, consumer packaged goods, as well as food and beverage industries, among others. 

“This partnership exemplifies Doosan’s commitment to democratizing automation and making advanced robotics technology more accessible to business[es] of all sizes from numerous industries,”  said Alex Lee, Doosan Robotics Americas president. “Our solutions are safe, efficient, and creative as they transform work processes and complex scenarios.” 

Doosan PRIME-SERIES palletizing cobot arm unveiled at Automate

Rocketfarm said its Pally software is smooth, flexible, and quick to install, making robots easy to operate. Doosan said its cobots offer safety, high payload capacity, and a far reach, expanding the possibilities for palletizing applications

The companies said Rocketfarm’s Pally software paired with Doosan’s cobots can create a palletizing system that is simpler, faster, and more versatile than ever before.

“We are dedicated to providing more accessible and efficient palletizing automation solutions for companies around the world,” said Egil Munda, Rocketfarm CEO. “Expanding our capabilities with innovative partners such as Doosan Robotics aligns with that commitment while expanding our Pally software capabilities.” 

Doosan Robotics recently unveiled its P-SERIES (PRIME-SERIES) robot arms at Automate 2024 with the introduction of the P3020 palletizing cobot. The P3020 offers a payload of 66 pounds and reach of 80 inches, bringing the ability to palletize up to 10 layers of boxes approximately 8 inches tall using its simple fixed base without a lift.

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Doosan Robotics

With the aid of Rocketfarm’s Pally palletizing software, Doosan Robotics said it can streamline palletizing collaborative robot arm operational workflows.

Robot Technologies