DEEP Robotics unveils first humanoid robot at World Robot Conference in Beijing

Dr.01 humanoid showcases obstacle-avoiding abilities

DEEP Robotics

The DEEP Robotics first humanoid robot, Dr. 01, is able to withstand obstacles and maintain its balance. The robot debuted at the World Robot Conference in Beijing.
DEEP Robotics unveiled its first humanoid robot at the World Robot Conference in Beijing, and demonstrated the obstacle-avoiding abilities of its quadruped robot at the conference.

DEEP Robotics, a China-based embodied AI and robotics company, unveiled its first humanoid robot model, the Dr.01, at the World Robot Conference in Beijing.

The robot is the startup company’s first and aims to diversify from DEEP Robotics’ prior quadrupedal robotics into the humanoid robotics space.

During the five-day event, DEEP Robotics also demonstrated a series of capabilities of its embodied AI-powered quadrupedal robot.

AI training drives evolution of “Intelligent Agent”

Through AI and big data training, future humanoid robots are expected to assist humans in performing repetitive, high-precision tasks, safeguard personnel safety in hazardous environments, enhance human productivity in industrial settings and improve the quality of life at home.

The Dr.01, is an “AI plus” intelligent physical agent, according to DEEP Robotics. Equipped with the company’s proprietary lightweight J60 joints and high-power J100 joints, it boasts highly flexible movement capabilities, adapts to complex environments and integrates sensing/perception abilities and powerful autonomous learning capabilities. At the conference, DEEP Robotics conducted a series of AI training sessions on the Dr.01 to advance progress of “AI plus” intelligent agent technology.

Robot dog to “dodge” dangers

Quadruped robots are already being used in power stations, factories, construction sites, underground tunnels and utility corridors. With the rapid development of AI, quadruped robots will gain more powerful learning, sensing/perception, decision-making and planning abilities, according to DEEP Robotics.

At the World Robot Conference, DEEP Robotics showcased the autonomous “dodging” skills of the X30, its flagship large-sized quadruped, for the first time. The robot can recognize/detect suddenly approaching humans and obstacles, autonomously avoiding/navigating them to prevent collisions. This makes interactions between the robot dog and humans safer, minimizes accidents during long-term operations, and improves the quality of long-term maintenance work.

Fostering the robot-human interaction and reducing the need for manual control has always been important in robotic applications. During the conference, DEEP Robotics demonstrated the X30's “lead-follow” function, allowing operators to control the machine's direction and speed with a leash.

Under the follow mode, the robot can autonomously adapt to various random terrains, significantly enhancing the efficiency of human-robot collaboration in tasks such as outdoor transportation and material handling.

Another quadruped, DEEP Robotics' Lite3 robot dog, showcased advanced biomimetic jumping. By autonomously learning from animal movement patterns, it has no specific requirements for launch position, posture, terrain, or direction, significantly boosting its mobility efficiency in complex environments and enhancing its adaptability in natural settings.

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DEEP Robotics

The DEEP Robotics first humanoid robot, Dr. 01, is able to withstand obstacles and maintain its balance. The robot debuted at the World Robot Conference in Beijing.

Robot Technologies