AWL deploys IDS Ensenso 3D cameras for DHL Rotterdam

RODE robotic depalletization system handles up to 800 packages per hour

Imaging Development Systems (IDS)

At DHL eCommerce in Rotterdam, Netherlands, integrator AWL deployed its RODE robotic depalletization cell, equipped with IDS Ensenso 3D vision cameras and AI software.
AWL integrated its RODE robotic depalletization cell for DHL eCommerce Rotterdam, employing two IDS Ensenso X36 3D cameras and AI image processing to segment and pick parcels.

Machine vision system components provider Imaging Development Systems (IDS) recently announced a deployment of its cameras for DHL eCommerce in Rotterdam, Netherlands. 

The cameras are incorporated in depalletization robots supplied by global robotic manufacturer and integrator AWL Automation.

RODE, an acronym for RObotic DEpalletizer, is an intelligent robotic depalletization system offered by AWL for the intralogistics market. In this machine, two Ensenso 3D cameras from IDS are implemented to provide the required image data.

AWL RODE allows DHL to ensure continuous parcel processing

IDS said one of the locations where RODE adds value is for DHL eCommerce in Rotterdam. The robotic solution can efficiently process packages randomly arranged on a pallet. RODE processes up to 800 parcels per hour with a maximum weight of 31.5 kilograms each, about 69.4 pounds, and places them on the corresponding sorting belt. 

The intelligent robot-supported depalletizer can automatically destack any packaged goods such as cartons, bags, or containers from pallets, which IDS said can ensure continuous processing without delays or downtime. 

AWL’s RODE robotic depalletizing cell processes up to 800 parcels per hour, weighing up to 70 pounds each, sorting them onto corresponding belts. Source: Imaging Development Systems (IDS)

“Extra shifts” at peak times can be implemented at any time, such as to cope with the increased workload during Christmas and end-of-year holidays, IDS said. Deploying RODE can allow DHL to modify its labor productivity, freeing up staff for more qualified tasks such as processing consignments or handling customer inquiries. 

At the same time, RODE can relieve employees of physically and ergonomically-demanding tasks and can reduce the risk of injury, IDS said.

Ensenso X36 3D cameras provide image data for AI

IDS said the particular difficulty of depalletizing lies in the robot's picking of parcels of different sizes and weights. It must independently recognize the position of the objects in three-dimensional space and decide which package to pick next. It then has to determine the best gripping position and avoid collision with other parcels or the machine.

“This intelligent robotic solution integrates AI image processing and high-tech gripper technology,” said Sander Lensen, AWL research and development manager. “The system recognizes products and can flip the items to ensure that the required long side is leading,”

Two Ensenso X36 3D cameras provide the necessary image data for the AI software. IDS said its cameras are able to provide 2D and 3D information about products on a pallet measuring 1200 by 1200 millimeters, about 47 by 47 inches, and a maximum height of 2400 millimeters, about 94 inches. 

The integrated image processing system processes data further and enables the depalletizer to identify each individual package and determine the corresponding gripping position for robot-assisted picking.

IDS camera system arrives assembled and pre-calibrated

Each Ensenso X36 3D camera system consists of a projector unit and two GigE cameras with either 1.6 MP or 5 MP CMOS sensors. AWL has opted for the 5 MP variant for its system. Mounting and adjustment brackets, three lenses, as well as sync and patch cables for connecting the cameras to the projector unit are also included in the scope of delivery. 

Integrated FlexView2 technology ensures an even better spatial resolution as well as robustness of the system with dark or reflective surfaces, IDS said. The 3D systems are delivered assembled and pre-calibrated. However, focusing and calibration is also easy to set up using the setup wizard integrated into the software. 

IDS’ Ensenso X36 3D camera system combines two GigE cameras with a projector unit to image and segment pallets up to 94 inches high and 47 inches wide using AI software. Source: Imaging Development Systems (IDS)

IDS also said the RODE depalletizer is also easy to integrate into its working environment and aims to give its users a competitive edge in the world of logistics automation.

IDS and AWL are also partnered with machine vision software provider Fizyr, which announced its new partner program and certified vision packs at MODEX 2024.

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Imaging Development Systems (IDS)

At DHL eCommerce in Rotterdam, Netherlands, integrator AWL deployed its RODE robotic depalletization cell, equipped with IDS Ensenso 3D vision cameras and AI software.

Robot Technologies