AutoScheduler.AI introduces centralized warehouse orchestration platform

AutoPilot Central provides aggregated, bird’s eye view across multiple sites


AutoPilot Central from AutoScheduler.AI provides a bird's eye view for supply chain leaders to orchestrate warehouse systems across multiple sites.
AutoScheduler.AI released its centralized warehouse orchestration platform, called AutoPilot Central, to give supply chain leaders a birds eye view of data across multiple sites.

AutoScheduler.AI, a warehouse orchestration platform and WMS accelerator, announced the release of its centralized warehouse orchestration platform, which gives companies a centralized view of multi-site data.

The program is called AutoPilot Central and enables supply chain executives to get an aggregated, bird's eye view across multiple sites and, more importantly, rank them and take corrective action for areas out of service to mitigate risk across the network.

AutoPilot aggregates data, uses predictive analytics  

“With the pace at which warehouses introduce new technology and dynamically change, managing an operation has become overwhelming, especially since leading shippers with multiple sites often have different WMS at each location,” said Keith Moore, CEO of AutoScheduler.AI. “AutoPilot Central provides a birds-eye view of multi-site data for centralized command and control of an entire distributed warehouse network.”

AutoPilot Central aggregates multi-site AutoScheduler data. Using predictive analytics, it enables supply chain officers to rank the sites, quickly see which areas across the network are out-of-tolerance or at risk and take corrective action to mitigate risk before chaos happens. 

According to the company, AutoPilot and AutoPilot Central users can:

  • Reduce planning time by 97%
  • Increase productivity per headcount by 16%
  • Reduce inventory waste by 13%
  • Reduce intra-campus transportation costs by 31%
  • Double cross-docking utilization
  • Optimize labor planning
  • Aggregate multi-site data for centralized warehouse optimization and risk mitigation

AutoScheduler demonstrated AutoPilot Central at the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/Xpo in Orlando. The company shared how to pivot the current warehouse landscape to calm the chaos and deliver the operational agility companies require.

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AutoPilot Central from AutoScheduler.AI provides a bird's eye view for supply chain leaders to orchestrate warehouse systems across multiple sites.

Robot Technologies