ARM Institute Announces Federal Funding For MakerSpaces in the Southwestern Pennsylvania Region

The makerspaces are located at local colleges in the region.

ARM Institute

ARM Institute is based in Pittsburgh.
The ARM Institute said the makerspaces provide regional manufacturers and entrepreneurs with access to equipment, knowledge, and other resources.

Today the ARM, or Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing, Institute announced the funding of four makerspaces provided by the Southwestern Pennsylvania Region’s Build Back Better initiative awarded through the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

The Makerspaces are led by the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC), Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), Penn State New Kensington, and Westmoreland County Community College.

This funding will enable each Makerspace to build upon their existing capabilities and offer support to a greater number of organizations and individuals interested in advanced manufacturing technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). Collectively, the four maker spaces were awarded $6 million over a period of four years.

Since 2017, the ARM Institute said it has worked with its nearly 400 member organizations to catalyze 120+ robotics and workforce projects to strengthen U.S. manufacturing.

The Institute facilitates collaboration between industry, government, and academia to propel solutions that address urgent needs in manufacturing. Operating as a non-profit organization, the ARM Institute acts as an honest broker between robotics and manufacturing stakeholders.

ARM Institute will help guide makerspaces

This funding will build upon existing capabilities within the makerspaces, enhance their equipment and offerings, and make their services more readily available. The services offered through each Makerspace are unique.

Through the grant, the ARM Institute will advise the Makerspaces and help to expand the scope of their services to benefit small and medium-sized manufacturers and manufacturing entrepreneurs.

“The Makerspaces will provide manufacturers and entrepreneurs throughout the Southwestern Pennsylvania region with easy access to equipment and services that may otherwise be inaccessible to them,” stated Jay Douglass, ARM Institute chief operations officer.

“These organizations’ Makerspaces were selected for funding because they already have advanced capabilities and have been making a positive impact in their communities. The ARM Institute looks forward to helping them expand their impact and connect with new audiences, including small and medium-sized manufacturers.”

The ARM Institute recently announced the availability of its Robotics Manufacturing Hub (the Hub) program, also funded through the Southwestern Pennsylvania region’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge Grant.

The Robotics Manufacturing Hub helps small and medium-sized manufacturers evaluate their operations, understand if robotics can address their challenges, and prototype robotics solutions at no cost.

To learn more about the makerspace's check out ARM's website

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ARM Institute

ARM Institute is based in Pittsburgh.

Robot Technologies