Akribis Systems announces new compact rod motors

RDM-A series designed for constrained space linear thrust generation

Akribis Systems

Akribis Systems said its new RDM-A series rod motors can deliver smooth linear motion, 0.5 to 31 pounds of continuous force, and up to about 93 pounds of peak force.
Akribis Systems recently announced its RDM-A series rod motors designed for compact spaces, which includes a tubular design and multiple axis control capabilities.

Motor and drive designer and manufacturer Akribis Systems recently announced a new addition to its motion control product line. The company’s new RDM-A series rod motors are designed for space-constrained applications requiring high motor forces and smooth linear motion.

Akribis said its RDM-A series rod motors are compact in size and feature a tubular design to distribute magnetic flux evenly along the circumference of the stator. With this approach, the motors can achieve continuous forces from 2.1 to 137.8 Newtons - about 0.5 to 31 pounds force - and peak forces from 6.2 to 413.4 Newtons - about 1.4 to 93 pounds force.

An air gap between the coil and magnet track can enable non-contact axial linear movement and steady force production over the length of the stroke. Ironless construction can ensure cog-free motion. Akribis said these design features can result in high motor forces, smooth motion, efficiency, and precision.

Additionally, a multi-mover option allows single motor control over multiple movers on one track to simplify complex, multi-axis applications.

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Akribis Systems

Akribis Systems said its new RDM-A series rod motors can deliver smooth linear motion, 0.5 to 31 pounds of continuous force, and up to about 93 pounds of peak force.

Robot Technologies