Agility Robotics partners with systems integrator Zion Solutions

Zion to offer Digit humanoid robots to supply chain companies

Agility Robotics

Systems Integrator Zion Solutions will offer Agility Robotics’ Digit bipedal humanoid robots to supply chain, logistics, and manufacturing companies.
Through a new partnership, Agility Robotics’ Digit bipedal humanoid robots and Arc cloud-based fleet management software will be offered through systems integrator Zion Solutions.

Humanoid robot developer Agility Robotics recently announced a partnership with systems integrator Zion Solutions Group. Through this partnership, Zion will offer Agility’s Digit bipedal humanoid mobile manipulation robot (MMR) to the supply chain industry.

While many companies have turned to automation to increase warehouse efficiency and productivity, Agility said there remain a series of tasks that are difficult to automate and nearly impossible to keep filled due to high turnover, high injury rates, and an ever-growing labor gap. Agility said its humanoid robots are designed to execute exactly these types of monotonous bulk material handling and movement tasks that connect isolated manual and automated workflows. 

Zion works with its customers to design intelligent concepts and address complex logistics challenges. This partnership allows Zion to integrate Agility’s products including Digit and Agility Arc, a cloud-based fleet management software, into their warehouse systems and designs.

“We believe that in the not-so-distant future, this technology will revolutionize how humans and robots work alongside each other in warehouses,” said Jim Shaw, president of Zion Solutions Group. “Agility’s practical and robust strategic approach resonates deeply with our mission to deliver memorable experiences and guide intelligent change.”

Digit bipedal humanoid can handle repetitive tasks

Agility said Digit is a multi-purpose, human-centric robot made for logistics work that incorporates AI models, allowing it to adapt quickly and continually to new tasks and workflows.

Engineered to comply with OSHA safety standards, Digit can work safely in human spaces and perform a variety of difficult, repetitive, and sometimes dangerous tasks in logistics and manufacturing operations. 

Agility Arc is a cloud automation platform for deploying and managing Digit fleets. Agility said Arc can simplify the deployment lifecycle - from facility mapping, to workflow definition, to operational management and troubleshooting.

“When it comes to designing and implementing safe, efficient workflows and productive facilities, Zion’s deep industry experience and progressive approach to automation make them an ideal match for Agility,” said Peggy Johnson, CEO of Agility Robotics. “We are honored to partner with a company that shares our commitment to customer success.”

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Agility Robotics

Systems Integrator Zion Solutions will offer Agility Robotics’ Digit bipedal humanoid robots to supply chain, logistics, and manufacturing companies.

Robot Technologies