Additive Manufacturing Users Group Awards 10 DINOs

In lieu of an on-stage ceremony at the annual AMUG Conference, the DINO award presentations were a virtual event.

In lieu of an on-stage ceremony at the annual AMUG Conference, the DINO award presentations were a virtual event.

The Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) presented its DINO (Distinguished INnovator Operator) Award for additive manufacturing expertise and service to 10 individuals. In lieu of an on-stage ceremony at the annual AMUG Conference, the DINO award presentations were a virtual event.

“These are unprecedented times, so we took the unprecedented step of making virtual award presentations,” says Carl Dekker, AMUG president.  “We did everything we could to preserve the suspense and surprise to make this a special moment in the additive manufacturing careers of our new DINOs.” Rather than being called to the stage from the crowd at the conference, the DINOs learned of the honor when an unannounced delivery arrived at their doorsteps.

“We considered postponing the awards to coincide with the 2021 AMUG Conference, but the committee unanimously agreed that DINO recognitions should not be delayed,” says Gary Rabinovitz, AMUG chairman and chair of the DINO Selection Committee. The 2020 DINOs have a long history in additive manufacturing and years of contributions to the AM industry and AMUG so “it would be unfair to make them wait nearly a year for recognition of all that they have done,” Rabinovitz adds.

The 2020 DINOs are:

  • Jeff DeGrange, Impossible Objects Inc
  • Bob Diaz, College of Southern Nevada
  • Leslie Frost, GE Additive
  • Youping Gao, Castheon
  • Ed Graham, ProtoCAM
  • Paul Hojan, Christie Digital
  • Evan Kirby, Materialise
  • Ulf Lindhe, Oqton
  • Dana McCallum, Carbon, Inc.
  • Bob Wood, ExOne

The DINO Award recognizes those that have contributed to the additive manufacturing industry with the intent to advance the industry as a whole or to advance the skills and knowledge of individuals. “At the heart of this award is a passion for and dedication to additive manufacturing coupled with a desire to share and to be accessible to others,” says Rabinovitz. “The new DINOs truly embody what the DINO Award stands for.”

A recorded broadcast of the DINO Awards presentation is available here. This video also includes footage that reportedly captures the shock, surprise and disbelief of the new DINOs learning that they had been received the award.

Over its 32-year history, AMUG has awarded DINOs to only 168 individuals. Although there are many deserving of the recognition as a DINO, AMUG limits this prestigious award to no more than 10 individuals each year. Nominations for 2021 DINO candidates will be accepted beginning October 1, 2020.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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