Robotics 24/7    Topics    Japan

Topic: Japan

Dexterity, Sumitomo Corporation establish joint venture to accelerate AI-powered robot adoption in Japan
Dexterity and Sumitomo Corporation announced a join venture to accelerate AI-powered robot adoption to address labor shortages and boost efficiency in Japanese warehouse operations.

Skyline Robotics granted patent from Japan for robotic window-cleaning platform
Skyline Robotics obtained a patent from Japan related to the automation of work and using robotic arms on a building's façade.

Cobots Help Balance Reshoring and Worker Challenges
The dual-armed cobots are helping aluminum component supplier reduce assembly time, increase productivity, and increase flexibility.

World Robotics Report 2023 Shows Ongoing Global Growth in Installations, Finds IFR
The World Robotics Report for 2023 found that the automotive, electronics, and metals industries still lead demand for industrial automation.

Dobot Robotics Opens Tokyo Subsidiary to Better Serve Japanese Market
Dobot Robotics has opened a new branch in Japan as it continues expanding its sales, service, and support efforts for its collaborative robots worldwide.

DesignFuture Japan and Locus Robotics to Deploy Mobile Robots in Material Bank Japan Warehouse
DesignFuture Japan has partnered with Locus Robotics, which has already helped pick more than 1.3 billion items, to deploy mobile robots for building sample orders.

IFR Report ‘World Robotics R&D Programs’ Looks at How Asia, Europe, and the U.S. Invest
The IFR, or International Federation of Robotics, released its latest report on government funding of research and development as countries compete for economic growth.

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