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Topic: Drones

Amazon’s Top Prime Air Executive Outlines Plans for Delivery Drones to Navigate Skies
Amazon has laid out a proposal centered on slicing U.S. airspace into segments for different categories of unmanned delivery aircraft, while keeping them all away from airplanes.

Future of Transportation and Autonomous Flying Cars
Terrafugia premiers the new Outer Mold Line for the TF-X™, the four-seat, vertical takeoff and landing hybrid electric aircraft that will make flying easier and safer than ever before.

Amazon’s Plans For Delivery Drones
Amazon said it was ready to start commercial drone deliveries as soon as regulations were in place - details about how Amazon's proposed delivery drones may work have now been...

The Low-Tech Anti-Drone Technology at The 2015 Boston Marathon
This is not an advanced radar or early-warning detection system - the company's system simply compares sounds it hears to a database of drone sounds - when there's a match,...

Amazon Gets FAA Clearance to Test Delivery Drones
The e-commerce giant had threatened to take its research and development overseas.

No Amazon Drone Delivery Under New FAA Rules
US Federal Aviation Administration gives civilian drones the green light but Amazon's delivery plan is a no-no.

UPS and FedEx Researching Delivery Drones That Could Compete With Amazon
I would be shocked if a companies like UPS and FedEx aren't considering this," says Ryan Calo, a law professor specializing in drones and robotics. "If you want to compete...

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