3D Printing Company SQ4D Prints 3-Bedroom Home in 48 Hours

The home is 1,900 square feet and took 48 hours of print time, over an 8-day period.

The home is 1,900 square feet and took 48 hours of print time, over an 8-day period.

SQ4D Inc. (SQ4D) and its autonomous robotic construction system (ARCS) have built a large permitted 3D printed home. 

The home is 1,900 square feet and took 48 hours of print time, over an 8-day period. The home was entirely printed and built onsite using less than $6,000 in materials. Future print-time is expected to be cut in half on their next projects, due to ARCS enhancements implemented post-construction. 

ARCS is a technology that robotically builds foundations, exterior walls, interior walls, utility conduits and more. This digital-driven system reduces labor to as little as three people, accounting for up to 41% of the total construction of a home, the company reports. ARCS low-power consumption technology allows homes and buildings to be built using less energy than needed in traditional construction methods, creating an environmentally friendly impact. 

ARCS achieves faster build times by eliminating and consolidating over 20 manual labor intensive processes (siding, framing, sheathing, etc.). This technology will be replacing and eliminating more expensive and inferior building materials, causing the printed structures to be stronger and safer. Utsing concrete will reduce the cost by at least 30%, as well as making the structure more fire resistant than traditional methods. This home will have the strength to last into the next century.

SQ4D Inc. Is a 3D printer manufacturer from Patchogue, NY, that produces consumer and business grade 3D printers and 3D printing services, as well as development of industrial-grade 3D home and building printers.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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